Pi Weather Display Project

This project is so cobbled together I’m almost proud of it, I don’t expect anyone to be able to recreate this exactly but if there are parts of it that help, here you go.

My dog prefers a walk early in the morning as the sun is dawning, so I’d like info on when dawn is along with the current weather forecast, plus very localised info on what the temperature is now and importantly, if it’s raining out.

The go to choice to present this info would be a Raspberry Pi with a small display to allow a quick glance at in the morning.

The info to display on the Pi screen can be sources from a couple of sources;

  • An API call from a weather service (weatherbit.io) for more general sunrise, sunset and current weather.
  • A SDR radio picking up a nearby weather station for more localised temperature and rainfall values.

This is how it comes together…

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Update: Raspberry Pi Temperature Display

With the cooler outdoor temperatures, a bug in my original code for the temperature display has cropped up:


The DS18B20 returns temperatures with up to three decimal places, with the decimal point omitted, therefore a temperature of 10oC would be shown as 10000 by the sensor. To deal with this and for the display to show the temp to one decimal, I used this code:

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Raspberry Pi Temperature Display

Nothing grand to start with, but as a first project I thought to combine a 20×4 LCD display with two DS18B20 temperature sensors to monitor indoor and outdoor temperatures. This would replace a cheap display I had been using but was sceptical on its accuracy.

Getting the basics right involved making the device blend in to the current setup without the usual mass of wires protrude. From the last round of the seam ably endless cable management war I used a shoebox base as a stand for the webserver and network switch, with the box hiding the various power bricks and extra cable, with most coming from the Xbox 360. Still having the shoebox lid I thought it would be good to use as a modular part to house the Pi and display.

Current Setup
Current Setup

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